
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What allergies are

Your husbans's watery eyes and runny nose occuring together are classic systoms of hay fever - one of the commonest allergies there is. Hay fever (some times called allergic rhinitis) is usually produced by grass pollen irritating the respiratory tract, so it could be the fresh growth of grasses in summertime that is to blame.

An allergy is an exaggerated response by the body to a foreign substance (or allergen) that enters or comes into contact with it. allergens can be ingested  with food or drink,breathed  in with air, injected into the blood stream by and insect sting, or simply touch the skin. while most people are unaffected by contact, people with allergies react badly because they possess particular allergic antibodies in their blood which go in to action to fight such substances,triggering the release of the body chemicals such as histamine, that cause allergic symptoms incruding itching, sneezing, rashes and wheezy breathing. In the case of hay fever, allergic antibodies to grass pollen are constantly circulating in the bloodstream. For people like your husband, the simplest way of preventing attacts is to avoid coming into intact with grass  pollen as much as possible. If symtoms do occur, taking antihistamine drugs - available over the counter in chemists - can help to control them. For drytime use, or when driving, ask for a formula that does not cause any drowsiness. If antihistamines prove ineffective, a doctor may prescribe alternative medication such as a steroid nose spray.
airborne irritant Pollens are responsible for many allergy hay fever symtoms in spring and summer. These highly magnified pollen grains come from a goldenrod flower.

No one really knows what makes some people but not others develop allergies in the first place. Inheritance play some part and exposure early in life to irritating substance, such as house dust or cigarette smoke, may also have and effect. The problem is very common, however, and affects between one in ten and one in tree people.


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