
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Allergy and intolerance

Allergy and intolerance
These are medical terms used to indicate the  mechanism by which the disorder occurs. True food allergy results from the production in the body of abnormal allergic antibodies to particular substances in food. Babies who are allergic to cow's milk, for example, have allergic antibodies to milk circulating in their blood. Every time the antibodies detect cow' s milk, they go into action against it, causing allergic symptoms.

By contrast, people who suffer from food intolerance do not have allergic antibodies in their blood. In many cases the extract mechanism of the problem remains a  my stery but in others a cause can be identifield babies who cannot tolerate cow's milk, for example, lack an enzyme needed to break down milk sugar. In either case, the child may well grow out of the problem.In older children and in adults both allergies and intolerances tend to remain for life.

Food allergies and food intolerance can produce similar symptoms, although intolerances are generally much less sever in their effects. Reactions including eczema, asthma and rhinitis are typically signs of an allergic condition rather than an intolerance. In practical terms, the real differences between allergies and intolerances are not very great. Avoiding trigger substances is the key to staying wellin either case. Problem foods are often the same: dairy products, citrus fruit,eggs, wheat, nuts, cheese,lchocolate, fish and strawberries.Thesymptoms from coffee, red wine and chemical, additives may show an intolerance but not an allergy.


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